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Masai Mara Conservancy Map.jpg

This is a special place to me because this is where I have taken my son and my daughter on their first trip to Africa. For this reason I have decided to dedicate a page to Mara North Conservancy.

However, there is more than just me being sentimental to make this place special. Mara North Conservancy is magical and any wildlife photographer would love it.

Landscapes are fantastic and the abundance of wildlife is such that makes magical encounters a daily event. 

The Rhino Sanctuary is a must go. Unfortunately there is still people that believe that the horn of the rhinos has special powers and that is ready to pay a lot of money for it. Poachers kill rhinos to cut their horn and sell it. Elizabeth and Kofi are a female and a  male rhino that grew up in the Rhino Sanctuary protected 24 hours a day by rangers. Elizabeth is a bit stubborn but Kofi is quite friendly and at times he would let you get so close that you can actually caress him. I know what you are thinking ... “this is impossible!!!” ... Well, click on “At work” at the top of this page and then check the pictures from our 2015 trip ... Amazing, isn’t it?   

There are few camps where you can stay at but if you really want to have an amazing experience you should try Saruni Wild ( The camp is in a fantastic location, the tents are spacious and beautiful and the staff will go out of its way to make your stay unforgettable.

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